Here at Old North Acres, we are flippin’ the bird to factory farming.
We are trying to do chicken a different way out here. Our birds are outdoors, rain or shine, are rotated to new pastures, and live their days out breathing fresh air.
We process all of our birds on-farm, which means we minimize stress, ethically slaughter, and maintain sanitary conditions to the absolute best of our ability. The result is an outstanding product.
What makes our chicken so special?
About Our Chicken!
We feed our chickens 100% organic, soy-free feed from New Country Organics, and supplement with spent grain from our friends at Whaley Farm Brewery. Our feed comes from a mill in Virginia, which is about 6 hours away , and the brewery is about 5 minutes down the road from our farm!
Our chickens are never confined indoors, and we don’t even shut the coop doors at night! They are free to range within their paddock, and their coops are moved every 24-48 hours to spread manure and impact throughout our pastures.
Our chickens are processed in small batches, ranging from 30-60 birds at a time. This allows us to process birds expeditiously, which minimizes stress, and limits the time they are confined before slaughter. They travel for mere minutes as opposed to hours in a trailer on a highway to a slaughter facility.
We selected the Freedom Ranger for our poultry enterprise because they are far superior to the Cornish Cross. They are active and hardy, and thrive in our pasture and forested environments due to their ability to forage.
Freedom Rangers grow at a moderate weight (3.5-4.5lbs in 10-12 weeks), and produce tender, succulent meat. Their meat has higher levels of omega 3 fats and lower levels of saturated fat than fast-growing white broiler (Cornish Cross) chickens.
Where to find us!